Todd Fiscal Court approves budget, hears redistricting update

Todd Fiscal Court approved the budget for the upcoming fiscal year at Friday’s meeting and heard an update on magisterial redistricting.

The $28.5 million spending plan—that did not include any tax increases and had a six and a half percent raise for county employees—passed unanimously on second-reading, after Judge-Executive Todd Mansfield said it had no changes made to it since the first reading.

County Clerk Cindy O’Bryan says they have begun processing the data from the 2020 Census to determine what districts may change during the reapportionment, which is a state law and must happen after each 10-year census.

She says how and what districts may change is not in the control of the clerk’s office, and she hopes to bring two proposals to Fiscal Court by the next meeting.

Two Todd County districts did see growth, while two others saw a decrease in population numbers.

A resolution honoring the late John Walton was presented by Judge-Executive Mansfield, who called him a great man who will be greatly missed and is missed, who had a tremendously positive impact on Todd county and the world around him.