It’s graduation week for Christian County Public Schools

It’s graduation week for Christian County Public Schools and it’s a senior class who had four years unlike any group before them.

Christian County High School graduates at 5 p.m. Friday at the Stadium of Champions and Hopkinsville High School at 8:30 p.m. and families are reminded that no bags of any type will be allowed into the stadium and that weapons-detection devices will be utilized on those entering.

Superintendent Chris Bentzel says the seniors will spend Wednesday morning doing their annual ‘senior walkthrough.’

Bentzel notes the historic nature of the Class of 2023, as the pandemic disruptions began during their freshman year.

Meanwhile, efforts to consolidate the two high schools continue and Bentzel expects the construction process for the Hopkinsville-Christian County Academy to be officially out to bid by sometime early this week.

The district’s alternative programs will host their graduation Thursday afternoon at 5 at the Christian County Middle School Performing Arts Center.