City Council sees swearing in of new HPD chief

Hopkinsville City Council heard the monthly financial report Tuesday night and held a ceremonial swearing-in for new police chief Jason Newby.

Retiring Chief Clayton Sumner introduced Newby, who officially began his capacity as chief on April 1, saying he knows his lifelong friend has what it takes to be successful in leading HPD.

Council also heard a lengthy update from the Hopkinsville Legacy Advisory Committee, which works to revitalize targeted portions of the city, with Holly Boggess saying a consultant recently recommended that they create new and enhanced downtown and retail incentives and that they serve as a liaison between homeowners, renters and CDS regarding available housing programs—in addition to addressing issues relating to the city’s homeless population.

Peg Hays with the Legacy Committee says they are requesting $850,000 from the city’s budget in the upcoming fiscal year, an increase from $500,000 in the current budget, saying it will allow them to obtain more grants and what they are able to accomplish will grow exponentially.

Chief Financial Officer Melissa Clayton gave the monthly financial report for March, showing payroll tax collections are ahead of budget and ahead of last year’s amount by about 12 percent.