Commonwealth’s Attorney explains dismissal of first-degree assault case

Commonwealth’s Attorney Stephanie Bolen has released a statement regarding the dismissal of the first-degree assault case against Chad Love.

Love had been charged with assault in the first-degree against a female victim where he allegedly stabbed her in the eye with a broomstick, but that was dismissed in Christian Circuit Court Wednesday afternoon.  Thursday afternoon, Bolen informed WHOP News that the victim in the case had attempted to get the case against Love dismissed at his arraignment in November, and on a different occasion in December, the victim went to the Commonwealth Attorney’s Office and reported that Love was not the person that assaulted her.

She reportedly provided a different suspect’s name at that time.

After Love was indicted, the victim reportedly did not respond to numerous requests from the office to contact them.  Bolen states that due to those facts, the case was dismissed.

Bolen states that her office takes domestic violence very seriously and would never arbitrarily dismiss any case.

The statement can be found in its entirety below: