Appeal bond motion for Manning dropped in complicity to murder case

Larayna Manning, the woman convicted of complicity to murder in the death of Calvin “Cue” Taylor, appeared in Christian Circuit Court Wednesday.

Defense attorney Jason Pfiel had previously expressed to the court that he would be filing a motion for an appeal bond while he works the appeal he has filed for Manning—but he says now that Manning is in fact not eligible for an appeal bond in the complicity to murder and complicity to robbery case.

Judge Andrew Self did grant a motion to have Manning moved to a state institution, and Commonwealth’s Attorney Stephanie Bolen says they have given the defense an offer concerning Manning’s other cases.

A pretrial hearing was set for April 19 at 1 p.m.

Manning is currently serving a life sentence after a jury found her guilty of complicity to murder and complicity to first-degree robbery—Manning will only be eligible for parole after serving at least 20 years of that life sentence.