Oak Grove murder case heads to the grand jury for consideration

The murder case against 60-year-old Rodolfo Amaya of Oak Grove is heading to the grand jury following a preliminary hearing in Christian District Court Monday afternoon.

Amaya is accused of fatally shooting 43-year-old Dante Dewayne Welch on March 5 inside of a vehicle on New Gritton Avenue in front of a toddler that was in the backseat.  Oak Grove Police Detective James Carter told the court that Amaya said during an interview he had gone to speak with Welch, who was his neighbor, about playing loud music the night before and that’s when the shooting occurred.

Detective Carter says Welch was shot twice in the head and was deceased before officers arrived on scene.

A witness reported seeing the incident occur and the suspected murder weapon was found in Amaya’s home, according to the arrest report. Public defender Doug Moore says there’s a history of numerous neighbor complaints from Amaya’s household against Welch.

Judge Foster Cotthoff sent the case onto the grand jury for consideration and left Amaya’s bond at $500,000, cash only.