Water park renaming contest deadline is March 6

The Hopkinsville Parks and Recreation Department wants your suggestion on what to rename the Tie Breaker Family Aquatic Center as it reopens from renovations.

Superintendent Tab Brockman appeared on WHOP Friday morning, along with new Marketing and Events Coordinator Rachel Sanders, who says she’s learning the ropes and will be focusing for now on improving the department’s presence on social media.

She comes onboard just in time for the rebranding of water park and says they’ve received over 500 submissions to that contest already, and the winners will take away season passes.

Brockman says the park is home to new equipment for children, along with other quality of life improvements, but the big fix is the repairing of a large leak in the pool.

Because of the amount of submissions they have already received, the deadline to enter in a name suggestion is now March 6—you can submit a name by going online to the Hopkinsville Parks and Recreation Facebook page and finding the rebranding link.