Phoenix Building at Ninth and Main deemed unsafe to enter

The historic Phoenix Building at Ninth and Main Streets in downtown Hopkinsville has been deemed unsafe to enter and the owners have been given 90 days to come up with a solution.

Hopkinsville Fire Department Chief Steve Futrell says they received a call about concerns for the safety of anyone entering that building and his inspectors determined some of the first floor had collapsed into the basement.

The department hired a structural engineer who confirmed what was obvious—the building was unsafe to enter—and Chief Futrell says the owners, Bobo and Al Cravens, were given 90 days to formulate a plan to make the building safe.

Chief Futrell says the good news is there doesn’t appear to be any imminent danger of the building collapsing outward onto the street.

Futrell says notice has been given to the sole tenant that’s running a business out of a more sound portion of the structure that they must vacate within 45 days.