Governor Andy Beshear reminded folks impacted by the December tornadoes of some upcoming deadlines during the Team Kentucky update Thursday.
In roughly a month it will have been a year since deadly and devastating tornadoes hit western Kentucky, killing dozens and leaving even more without homes in its wake. Great progress has been made on cleaning up the wreckage and getting people’s home either repaired or replace, but the work continues. Governor Beshear urged people to check with their private insurance if there’s anything else that needs to be claimed or disputed, because many companies stop accepting claims a year after the event.
He says there is still money available for repairs through the Long-Term Recovery Groups throughout the region.
Governor Beshear also congratulated Trigg County for nabbing grant money to build a speculative building, saying they’re guaranteed to bring industry in the community.
The governor also gave updates on eastern Kentucky flood recovery, COVID-19, economic development and more.