Bid accepted for construction of new Todd County library

The Todd County Library Board Monday accepted a bid of just over $4 million to construct a new 12,900 square foot facility on South Main Street.

Carolyn Wells serves on the Building Committee and says the accepted bid of $4,059,305 came from C&C Contracting, LLC of Russellville, which was one of two bidders. Scott, Murphy, & Daniel, LLC of Bowling Green submitted a bid of just over $4.5 million.

Gary Violette of the Building Committee told Wells that construction for the project should begin no later than January of 2023 with substantial completion of the construction within about 12 months.

Library Director Audrea Clairmont said she hopes that facility “will soon be considered a new central hub of learning and a special place of gathering together as a community.”

As previously reported, the library had been approved for a $212,150 a year grant from the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives for the next 20 years to assist with debt retirement for the new construction.

The current 3,300 square foot library located on East Main Street in Elkton has served the community since 1989.

The new library will be located next to the Todd County Senior Center that’s set to soon undergo major renovations and just west of land where a new senior living facility will be constructed.