Ascend Elements receives federal grants

Ascend Elements has received federal grants to help expand their operations into Christian County, and further increase electric vehicle battery production in Kentucky and the nation.

According to a news release, President Joe Biden announced the company has been approved for $480.5 million through two federal grants from the U.S. Department of Energy. The funds further propel a nationwide effort to grow U.S. electric vehicle battery manufacturing and create good-paying jobs. Ascend Elements was approved for two grants with a federal cost share of $316.1 million for materials separation and processing and $164.3 million related to component manufacturing.

The company will locate a manufacturing operation known as Apex 1 in Christian County with a $310 million Phase 1 investment creating 250 full-time jobs. The project has the potential to grow to a $1 billion investment, creating 400 full-time jobs, in future phases.