Attorneys to attempt mediation in 2018 Boulevard murder case

There was no ruling on a bond motion in Christian Circuit Court Monday for the man accused of the 2018 murder of Tamara Dragoo at the King’s Court Motel on Fort Campbell Boulevard, as he potentially pursues some type of resolution in the case.

Circuit Judge John Atkins notified the attorneys that 33-year old Terrence Stepp of Hopkinsville sent in his own filing from the Christian County Jail expressing an interest in mediation and requesting a suppression hearing regarding some of the evidence.

Michael Thompson represents Stepp and believes there are two pieces of evidence provided to him that could potentially put another suspect at the crime scene, though Commonwealth’s Attorney Rick Boling asserted that they’ve been ruled out.

Judge Atkins postponed the scheduled bond hearing until November 9, with the attorneys to attempt to find a retired judge to mediate between now and then.

Stepp has been in jail on the murder charge since June of 2020.