Bentzel talks teacher retention, consolidation update

Christian County School System Superintendent Chris Bentzel appeared on WHOP Thursday and says the district is focusing on recruiting and retaining teachers and he also gave an update on the high school consolidation process.

Bentzel says not as many people are applying for vacant teacher positions now as they did in the past, so the school system must be pro-active in its efforts to recruit and retain.

He says the district has a committee who give feedback on what could be done to retain the teachers it has.

Bluegrass Learning Academy teacher Carla Criswell has been appointed to the Kentucky Education Commissioner’s Teacher Voice Committee.

Meanwhile, Bentzel says meetings continue regularly on the consolidation process and they hope to rebid the project in late winter or early spring.

He says the freshmen commitment to graduate ceremony Wednesday was a big success and he intends to keep it going in future years.