HES employee, two contractors receive Lifesaving awards

Hopkinsville police presented three Lifesaving Awards Thursday morning to an employee of Hopkinsville Electric System and two contractors who saved the life of a man having a medical emergency June 23 at East Ninth and Walnut Street.

Captain Kyle Spurlin presented the awards to HES Right of Way Supervisor Kevin Swafford and Glen Stevanus and Tony Brewer of NuSouth Fiber, saying they dialed 911 and performed CPR on the man until first responders were on scene.

Spurlin added it would have been easy for the men to drive by and go about their day, but they instead stopped and saved a life.

HES General Manager Jeff Hurd praised the men and said he wasn’t surprised that they stepped in to help someone in need.

The presentation was a surprise to the award recipients, who were thankful for the acknowledgement.