Lot Next Door program going strong, cleaning up lots in Hopkinsville

The Lot Next Door program is going strong in Hopkinsville and officials are looking to get even more people and properties involved.

Tyechia Walton is the Lot Next Door Coordinator and says there are roughly 80 lots in the program that is focused on getting vacant lots that are in disrepair under new ownership and taken care of in a way that benefits the city.

Neighbors of those lots have a chance to own them, after paying a $200 fee and putting in a good amount of ‘sweat equity’ and Walton says it benefits everyone involved.

She says the word has gotten out about the program, and people can contact her office at 270-887-4285 for more information on how to take part.

Walton says this program is not just for the inner-city—there are lots all across the city as whole that need new caretakers, and they’re looking for new owners that will be willing to bring them up to code and maintain them.