Circuit Clerk’s remain focused on importance of organ donor registry

Despite changes at driver’s license, the Kentucky Circuit Court Clerks remain committed to the mission of organ donation and transplantation and are putting on the word on the importance of donating to the cause.

The Circuit Clerk’s created the Trust For Life, a 501c3 non-profit organization, in 1992 and since then, have raised and invested over $18 million dollars in organ donation education in Kentucky. Most people register as an organ donor when they get a driver’s license. Since 2006 when the online Kentucky Organ Donor Registry was created, the Circuit Clerks have added over 2 million names to the Registry.

Christian Circuit Clerk Paige Parker says, “We are proud of the work we’ve done since 1992, and we know our support must continue.  Although we are no longer legally required to ask about the Registry and dollar donations because we no longer issue licenses, we see the need in our communities and want to help.  Today, nearly 1,000 Kentuckians are waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant.  Across America, 20 people die each day due to this need.”

People are urged to continue to sign up to be organ donors when renewing their licenses at the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet District Licensing offices. There are no age or health limits, so everyone can register as a lifesaving donor.  For more information about organ, tissue and cornea donation or to register as a donor, go to