Gov. declares state of emergency for Marion water crisis

Governor Andy Beshear has declared a state of emergency for the City of Marion’s water crisis.

The governor says, “Today’s action of declaring a state of emergency for the City of Marion is intended to put into motion all the things we, the state, can do to help alleviate the situation and provide support. My administration is committed to helping the city and all of our Kentucky families who live there.”

A news release says state officials are expected to travel to Marion to discuss remedies with the city and to begin implementing a plan that will provide short- and long-term guidance to the city to ensure that families have access to water.

Lake George, the primary reservoir for Marion’s residents and businesses needed to be drained because of a levee failure. That, coupled with limited rainfall and unseasonably warm weather, has now caused the water shortage to become critical.

With the declaration of a state of emergency by the governor, Kentucky Emergency Management can begin to coordinate a response and relief activities and the Kentucky National Guard can mobilize the personnel and equipment that may be required.

As previously reported, the Realtors Association of Christian and Todd Counties is collection bottled water for the residents of Marion at 1700 Parkview Drive and they hope to deliver the first shipment Friday.