CCPS hires Johnna Brown as director of communications

The Christian County Public School System has announced the hiring of Johnna Brown as the district’s new director of communications.

She most recently served as support staff for the communications department and in recent months was the interim communications director.

A news release says Brown began her educational career with Franklin-Simpson Schools in 2006 as a classroom instructional assistant. In 2011, she joined the staff at Belmont Elementary where she spent four years as a clerical assistant. In 2015 she transferred to Sinking Fork Elementary in the same role.

She has also worked in support roles as an instructional technology assistant, district assessment office assistant, district instructional department, and communications assistant.

Brown is a graduate of Madisonville-North Hopkins High School and Madisonville Technical and Community College.

She’s quoted as saying, “I believe in the mission and vision of Christian County Public Schools and the phenomenal story our district has to tell.  I feel my experience in an array of roles in the district has prepared me for this position. I look forward to continuing to develop positive relationships across our community. My goal will always be to provide parents, staff, and the community with clear, timely information as it pertains to our schools and district.”

Superintendent Chris Bentzel says, “The district has spent a great amount of time searching for the right individual to lead the communications team. Ms. Brown has served impeccably in the role and has given 110 percent to the job.  She has a vast knowledge of our district and a reputable trust among teachers, staff, and administrators in the district.”