NWS: Heat wave likely to hang around for several days

An Excessive Heat Warning is in effect for all of western Kentucky and middle Tennessee through Wednesday at 8 p.m. and forecasters say it’s looking like the heat wave is going to linger.

National Weather Service in Paducah Meteorologist Kevin Smith said during a conference call Monday that the high temperatures in the upper 90’s combined with humidity will make it feel like 105 to 110 and it could be dangerous for anyone spending time outdoors.

Those working outside should stay hydrated, wear light and loose-fitting clothes and take frequent breaks in an air-conditioned building or shady area.

Smith says the long-range outlook doesn’t show much relief for the weekend or next week.

The hot and dry weather could certainly dry ground conditions very quickly, causing additional problems.

Never leave any person or pet in a hot car for any period of time, as temperatures in a vehicle will become deadly in a very few minutes with this week’s heat.

If the temperature rises to 100 degrees in Hopkinsville this week, it will mark the 17th time in the month of June since records have been kept beginning in 1925.