Com Care to continue EMS services in Todd County

Todd Fiscal Court approved a contract Friday for Com Care to continue providing EMS services to the county.

The new one-year contract is for $282,000—an increase of $62,000 over the current year.

The contract from Com Care comes after the company had initially sent a letter saying they would not be able to submit a bid due to a statewide staffing crisis, poor pre-hospital reimbursement and elevating operating costs.

Judge-Executive Todd Mansfield says it’s his understanding Com Care never wanted to cease operations in Todd County, but that they didn’t believe they’d have a bid ready by the initial deadline.

Com Care was the only bidder to provide EMS services.

Final reading of the county’s budget for the upcoming fiscal year was delayed due to a minor error, but Judge Mansfield says it should be on the June 24 agenda.

Two Todd County dispatchers approached the court asking for a pay raise for staff in addition to the 6.5 percent cost of living adjustment included in the proposed budget, showing evidence that their salaries are not in line with adjoining counties.

Judge-Executive Mansfield said the county would take their concerns into consideration, but indicated an additional pay raise isn’t likely to be in the immediate future.