Hearing held for 2019 McHenry Street murder suspect

With trial set to begin on the last Monday of this month, several matters were discussed in Christian Circuit Court Tuesday morning in the murder case against 21-year old Robert Torian.

Torian is accused of fatally shooting Terrill Moore during an argument that began inside a car on McHenry Street in August of 2019.

Attorney James Chamberlain represents Torian and says police paperwork mentions a set of car keys collected at the scene that could be beneficial evidence for his client, but those keys aren’t in the evidence.

Commonwealth’s Attorney Rick Boling says he’s been in contact with the police officers who were on scene and confirmed the keys were never collected and Judge Andrew Self scheduled another hearing on the matter for Friday afternoon.

Chamberlain asked Judge Self to order Boling to not assert any gang affiliation related to the crime during trial and Boling told the judge he doesn’t plan to discuss gangs.

Judge Self also granted a defense motion prohibiting the commonwealth or police from using Torian’s behavior during an interview to conclude he was nervous, but said the officers will be able to state their observations.

Trial will begin Monday, June 27 and could conclude as soon as Thursday, June 30.

Torian is charged with murder, with Hopkinsville police alleging he exited a car while he and Moore argued and that he then opened the front passenger side door and shot Moore in the head.