Final sentencing delayed for gunman in Valero murder

Final sentencing was delayed Wednesday morning in Christian Circuit Court for Dalton Hall of Springfield, Tennessee, the man who pled guilty last month to the April, 2021 shooting death of Delmour Moncrief at the East Ninth Street Valero gas station in Hopkinsville.

There was no pre-sentencing investigation report in the file for Hall, even though he claimed he had completed two questionnaires.

Judge John Atkins agreed to delay sentencing until June 8 to give time to finalize the report.

Two family members of Moncrief were in the audience and told Judge Atkins they’ll drive back to Hopkinsville from Missouri again next month to give a victim impact statement in person.

Hall pled guilty to murder on April 15 as part of a deal that comes with a recommended 20-year sentence.

His codefendant, 27-year old David King of Guthrie, pled guilty in October to possession of a handgun by a convicted felon and hindering the apprehension of a fugitive in a deal that came with a sentence of five years in prison.