Three Muhlenberg Co. residents indicted on child porn charges

Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron has announced the indictment of three Muhlenberg County residents on child pornography charges.

Action by the Special Prosecutions Unit resulted in the indictments of 23-year old Ethan Aaron Sparks of Central City, 24-year old Gillian Marie Bledsoe of Drakesboro and 23-year old Justin Lane Gibson of Greenville for charges related to the distribution and possession of child pornography.

A Muhlenberg County Grand Jury indicted Sparks on one count of distribution of matter portraying sexual performance by a minor and 26 counts of possession of matter portraying sexual performance by a minor. Bledsoe and Gibson were each indicted on one count of distribution of matter portraying sexual performance by a minor.

Detective Lloyd Ray of the Kentucky State Police Cyber Crimes Unit investigated the case with assistance from the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations.