WHOP’er of an Egg Hunt is Saturday morning

Children will fill Tie Breaker Park Saturday morning for the annual WHOP’er of an Egg Hunt and there should be good weather for the occasion.

Pam Rudd with Hopkinsville Parks and Recreation says children from barely walking to eight-years old can hunt the eggs, with registration beginning at 9:30 a.m. and the main event to commence at 11 on the dot.

While there will be some on site you can get, it’s encouraged that you pick up an egg-hunting license at one of several locations beforehand, including The Closet on the Boulevard, Christian County Head Start, Sassystuff Consignment, Staton’s Art & Framing, The Trophy House, Stockton Mortgage, Manpower in Hopkinsville and the Christian County Health Department.

Also bring an Easter basket, bucket or sack to collect eggs and check each one for a piece of paper indicating a prize before you leave the park.

The fields are likely to be wet and at least slightly muddy from recent rains, so Rudd encourages families to put their youngsters in clothes appropriate for those conditions.

In addition to the WHOP Family of Stations and the aforementioned businesses, the egg hunt is also sponsored by HWEA and Chick-fil-a.