Christian Fiscal Court gives premium pay to more employees who worked during beginning of pandemic

Christian Fiscal Court approved pandemic premium pay for former county employees who worked during the beginning of the pandemic and who have since ceased employment on good terms.

Magistrates approved a resolution last month giving two dollars of “premium pay” to active employees for each hour they worked between March 13 and December 31, 2020, not to exceed $3,755. The funds come from the American Rescue Plan Act and retired and former employees were not included at the time.

There are approximately 50 former employees who worked during that time period who have either retired or left for other employment since then on good terms and Judge-Executive Steve Tribble said a revised resolution approved Tuesday will get those individuals the same premium pay if they contact the treasurer’s office by the end of May.

Magistrates also approved construction of an extension of Davis Road in the Mannington area that will prevent the need for a new CSX railroad bridge after the current structure was deemed unsafe. The state provided $500,000 in funds to construct a new bridge, but the cost estimate came in at $1.2 million and Judge Tribble says an assessment determined that state money could be used and still provide those residents on the wrong side of Davis an outlet to Madisonville Road.

Fiscal Court also approved the necessary transactions to gain the easements to construct the road, which will be done by the county road department with the help of an engineer.

In other action, magistrates approved $44,000 from the county clerk’s budget to be spent to purchase an open book scanner, which will be used to digitize paper records.