Commissioner Taylor speaks at Chamber breakfast

Kentucky Commissioner of Business Development Jeff Taylor was the keynote speaker Tuesday morning at the Christian County Chamber of Commerce Economic Development eye-opener breakfast.

The Hopkinsville resident and former state representative for the area praised the South Western Kentucky Economic Development Council for its forethought in building the spec building, saying that investment will pay off soon.

EDC Director Carter Hendricks says the Spec building on Frank Yost Lane has received much interest and he remains confident it will sell to an industry soon. He praised the Christian, Todd and Trigg County governments, HES Energy Net and Pennyrile Electric for working together to bring broadband internet access to the entire region.

About $43,000 had already been raised for the Christian County Chamber of Commerce Gift Cards for Compassion to benefit victims of the December and January tornadoes in the region and Chamber President Taylor Hayes announced that Riken Elastomers has donated $30,000 to the initiative.

The event was hosted by Clarion Pointe and sponsored by the EDC and F&M Bank.