Comer confident that LBL Recreation and Heritage Act will pass

Western Kentucky Congressman James Comer is confident the Land Between the Lakes Recreation and Heritage Act unveiled by him and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell this week will become law and believes it will have a major positive impact on the LBL region.

The Republican from Monroe County says it would immediately designate funding for maintenance needs that have gone unaddressed for too long.

It would also alleviate some of the stress placed on sheriff’s departments in the LBL region that have had to make up for a drastic drawback in park law enforcement.

Congressman Comer believes that with Senator McConnell pushing the act, it will eventually make it to the president’s desk and become law.

The bill also provides solace to the families of former residents of the LBL, better defining their status and expanding their access to cemeteries within the national recreation area’s boundaries.