Candidates for Christian Co. Sheriff meet in LWV debate

The two Republicans running for Christian County Sheriff met in debate Wednesday afternoon in the continuation of the League of Women Voters forum.

Incumbent Sheriff Tyler DeArmond fielded questions alongside challenger, Oak Grove Police Officer Adam Vanderkolk, including discussions on their priorities if elected, fiscal and environmental challenges facing law enforcement and more.

Vanderkolk says he does believe there’s been a rise in violent crime recently and he thinks furthering community relationships with law enforcement, particularly concerning local youth, could help address some of the problem.

DeArmond agreed there’s been an increase in violent crime over the past few years, and it will take partnerships with not only law enforcement agencies but other local agencies and citizens to get things under control.

Both men agreed that constables are a valued asset in the state of Kentucky, and Christian County, and they both also agreed that training should be required for those constables. If re-elected, DeArmond says his priorities remain excellent public safety, quick response and a fiscally sound department.

Vanderkolk says community visibility, transparency and fiscal responsibility are some of his top priorities if elected.

Vanderkolk and DeArmond will face off in the primary election, and the winner of that election will go on to be Christian County Sheriff for the next four years, as no democrats have filed to seek the office.