Jennie Stuart Health is glad to report a very low number of COVID positive patients as they look ahead to a more ‘normal’ spring and summer.
Spokesman Chris Jung appeared on WHOP Wednesday morning and says they’re excited to only have one COVID positive patient in the hospital as of that morning and they’re hopeful that person will be cleared to be discharged soon—that’s a drastic decrease from numbers in the 20’s last month.
March is Colorectal Awareness Month and it’s a time that hits close to home for Jung, as he lost his mother to that cancer almost 10 years ago—he urged people to get screenings as it can be easily treated if found early.
He says the proper precautions can save lives.
Health eating habits, exercise and limiting alcohol consumption, on top of standard screenings, can all help lower the risk of colorectal cancer. To schedule an appointment for a screenings, especially if you’re over the age of 45, contact Jennie Stuart or your primary care provider.