Fort Campbell barracks to receive funding for renovations

Projects secured in this year’s congressional funding bill will help improve the quality of life for soldiers stationed at Fort Campbell.

According to a news release, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says he was proud to secure $73 million for the renovation of Vietnam War era barracks at Fort Campbell. The older barracks, which house the 1st Brigade Combat Team, are the last of the VOLAR style barracks on the installation.

President and CEO of the Campbell Strong Defense Alliance Kelli Pendleton says, “This is exciting news and we are thrilled to know that this additional funding will allow for the acceleration of renovations of these barracks. We are grateful to our lawmakers from both Tennessee and Kentucky who understand the critical role that Fort Campbell plays in global defense and who work hard to ensure that our soldiers have the resources they need to be successful.”

Funding for these upgrades has been a priority for the Campbell Strong Defense Alliance.