First Lady Jill Biden visits with military families at Fort Campbell

First Lady Jill Biden made a visit to Fort Campbell Wednesday evening, where she spoke with military families while service members with the 101st Airborne Division Air Assault are deployed to Poland.

Elements of the 101st Airborne Division and Fort Campbell were ordered to deploy recently to the U.S. Army Europe area of operations in support of several missions to support NATO Allies and partners in the region. Many soldiers and their families had less than a day’s notice of the deployment, and First Lady Biden says she understands the fear, pride and hope that comes with that.

She says the current situation in Europe with the Russia-Ukraine conflict has everyone anxious, but she says she and the President have trust and faith in the 101st.

The First Lady says she’s working to provide more opportunities, quality of life improvements and more for military families.

She urged everyone to stick together and look after one another in trying times, and says if any one needs help to not be ashamed to pick up the phone and ask for help. About 15 military families were on hand to represent Fort Campbell, and First Lady Biden met with and spoke with each of them following her remarks.