KYTC to remove illegally placed signs, items from right-of-way areas in preparation for mowing

Kentucky Transportation Cabinet crews are removing illegally placed items along state maintained right of way areas as they get ready for spring mowing.

Officials are reminding political candidates, residents, business operators and property owners along US and KY routes are reminded no signage is allowed on right of way other than official highway signs and items approved through a permit process. Right of way fence is included with this restriction, and no signs may be attached to those fences.

Crews will not mow around illegally placed items; those items will simply be removed.

It is also illegal to attach items such as flyers, posters, balloons or streamers to stop signs, highway markers or any other road sign or utility pole.

Removed items will be taken to each county’s KYTC maintenance facility and temporarily held. Unclaimed materials will be trashed or recycled.