Efforts to create, place Gov. Ned Breathitt statue in Hopkinsville underway

Locals are looking to honor a well-known Hopkinsville native and former Governor of Kentucky with a bronze statue, with the hope of it being placed in Hopkinsville.

Linda Breathitt is the daughter of former Governor Ned Breathitt and First Lady Frances Breathitt—Ned Breathitt served as Governor from December 1963 until December 1967, and his daughter said on WHOP Wednesday that they’re looking to immortalize both him and his deeds with a bronze statue sculpted by his son, Ed Breathitt.

She says most of the work is complete but was delayed due to the pandemic—but now things are back open, and they’ve raised roughly $90,000 of their $160,000 fundraising goal.

Breathitt says the statue will not only honor her father, it will teach generations of students about the former Governor’s life and legacy and his love for Hopkinsville and Kentucky.

The best way to go about donating to the cause is to contact Margaret Prim with the Pennyroyal Arts Council. Former Governor Breathitt and the First Lady are buried in Riverside Cemetery.