Local legislators discuss bills on weekly update program

The 2022 session of the Kentucky General Assembly is nearly at the halfway point and local lawmakers discuss legislation that is being or will be considered during our weekly Legislative Update program.

Senator Whitney Westerfield of Christian County is sponsoring criminal justice legislation that looks to find drug rehabilitation options for some low-level, non-violent offenders who are awaiting trial and mental health treatment or job training for others.

He says while it’s instinctive for some to lean toward locking up criminals for a long period of time, that’s not always the best way to prevent future crime, knowing almost all offenders eventually get out.

Representative Myron Dossett of Pembroke supported unemployment insurance reform legislation that passed the House last week and says it would limit the amount of time someone could draw benefits based on local jobless rates.

He says the reform measures wouldn’t apply to workers who are seasonally laid off or to western Kentucky tornado victims.

Representative Walker Thomas noted that legislation freezing property tax values on automobiles at 2021 levels has now passed the full House and heads to the Senate for consideration.

You can hear local legislators discuss these issues and others during our weekly Legislative Update program Sunday morning at 9 on Lite Rock 98.7 and online at lite987whop.com.