Fiscal court learns about Joy Closet program for foster families

Christian Fiscal Court approved an agreement Tuesday morning that will have the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet reimburse the county for clearing up storm debris along state routes and magistrates heard from a woman who has opened a facility serving local foster families.

Emergency Management Director Randy Graham says the state has agreed to reimburse the county for cleaning up debris that would normally be their responsibility.

Heather Gray recently opened the Joy Closet on Skyline Drive and she says it uses volunteers and donations of cash and goods to provide clothing and other supplies to local foster families when they are placed with a child of any age.

The Joy Closet accepts new and gently used items and specifics of what is needed are posted on their Facebook page.  Gray noted the need for foster homes in Christian County, saying there are 210 children in the foster care system and only 47 homes, meaning many of those kids are being sent into different counties.