Rep. Thomas talks possible tax reform during 2022 session

Tax reform could be on the list of things the Kentucky legislature will try and address during the 2022 session, with the particulars on what they may look like still up in the air.

Representative Walker Thomas of Hopkinsville says tax reform has been on everyone’s minds for a long while, and he’s hopeful some type of legislation will make its way to the House this session.  There are already some bills that have been pre-filed on the topic, and Representative Thomas reminds that COVID-19 relief funding can not be earmarked for things like taxes, so they have to figure out what that will look like without that funding.

He says the main goal is to lower the income tax in the state and get in more in line with surrounding states.

There’s shaping up to be a lot on the docket for the 60-day session of the General Assembly, and Representative Thomas says they’ll work to address and get as much done as possible during that time.  You’ll be able to hear Thomas’ and other legislators thoughts on the upcoming session Sunday morning at 9 a.m. during “Don’t Be Afraid to Say It” on Lite Rock 98.7.