Hopkinsville High School celebrates successful Kentucky Youth Assembly

Forty-two students represented Hopkinsville High School at the Kentucky Youth Assembly last week.

According to a news release from Christian County Public Schools, Eliza Renshaw, HHS 9th grader, was elected President of the Bluegrass Senate and will reign in this role next year at in the High School KYA while senior Anna Hernandez reigned as President of the Commonwealth Senate at this year’s assembly.

Eleventh grader Raukel Mills served as a Supreme Court Justice while Bailey Kington, 11th grader, was recognized as an Outstanding Delegate. Eva Blankenberger, 11th grader, served as clerk of the Senate, and senior Abby Moss, served as clerk of the House. Seniors Silas Jackson and Maggie Goode served as committee chairs on the first day of the conference and Jackson was selected to chair the second day of the conference too.

The Kentucky Youth Assembly is a mock-legislature where students from across the state come together and write bills, debate bills and elect officers in order to have a true government simulation.

Hopkinsville High School is proud of the whole delegation and their hard work they put in to make the delegation shine.