Logan County West Industrial Park receives funding for upgrades

The Logan County Industrial Development Authority has secured funding to develop an additional 52 acres in the West Industrial Park.

The approved funding will be used for clearing, grubbing and rough-grading the new 52-acre acquisition. The project is expected to include a $1.46 million investment in the park, according to a news release from the governor’s office.

The Logan County location was selected for funding through the Product Development Initiative in 2020.

PDI was created through a partnership between the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development and the Kentucky Association for Economic Development to provide competitive grants to Kentucky economic development organizations and local governments to supplement site and building improvement projects.

Logan County Judge-Executive Logan Chick says, “As current chairman of the Logan Industrial Development Authority, I understand how competitive the site selection process is, and we continually seek ways to make sure Logan County is in the game. We’re grateful to the Cabinet for Economic Development and KAED for the PDI initiative. This grant will allow Logan IDA to make a great industrial site even better.”