Chamber talks membership, goals with Rotary Club

Photo from Rotary Facebook page

The Rotary Club of Hopkinsville got a visit from the Christian County Chamber of Commerce at Tuesday’s meeting, introducing two new directors in the organization.

Chandler Ladd is the new Director of Membership Development and says that membership is the lifeblood of the Chamber, and they strive to provide the best services to their members, and through them, the community as a whole.

She says its their job as a local Chamber to help create good environments for businesses, create jobs and advocate for local advancement.

The new Director of Military Affairs, Kristi Murtha, introduced herself to the club as well, saying that they have the Veterans Day parade coming up this weekend and then the Gander memorial on December 12, urging them to attend both.

The chamber is also host to many committees and organizations, including Hopkinsville Young Professionals Engage, Leadership Hopkinsville-Christian County and more that Ladd says they’re excited to see back up and running after being impacted by the pandemic.