Hopkinsville won’t give guidance for residential trick or treating

While Halloween falls on a Sunday this year, the City of Hopkinsville won’t be issuing guidance on when residential trick or treating should take place.

Mayor Wendell Lynch spoke on the subject during Tuesday night’s Hopkinsville City Council meeting and urged motorists to use extra caution in neighborhoods the entire Halloween weekend.

Downtown trick-or-treating will be Friday, October 29 from 3:30 until 5:30.

Meanwhile, City Administrative Office Troy Body is expected to recommend to the Committee of the Whole Thursday night for half of a $50,000 grant from T-Mobile to go to the Museums of Historic Hopkinsville and the other half to go to the Boys and Girls Club.

Museums Director Alissa Keller spoke to council and said they need funding to repaint the old clock tower over the Woody Winfree Fire Transportation Museum.

Getting a lift and repainting the clock will cost about $20,000 and the museum could use the other $5,000 to replace window panes in the main museum building, utilizing the lift already on site for the clock project.

In other action, City Council recognized the recently promoted Hopkinsville Police Sgt. Samantha Rodriguez, who was pinned by her husband—Sgt. Rico Rodriguez.