Rotary Club recognizes Turner for 50 years of service, hears update from Arts Council

The Rotary Club of Hopkinsville heard from the Pennyroyal Arts Council at Tuesday’s meeting, as they work to bring the entertainment and arts back to the community after being hard hit by the pandemic.

Executive Director Margaret Prim says the pandemic restrictions were difficult on the council, as it resulted in numerous cancelled events, costing them in both revenue and work.

She says thanks to a very generous and supportive community, they’ve been able to pull through and start getting back to normal, as they just announce their live season and kicked it off with the Stylistics.

Prim says the Alhambra Theatre, and through it the Arts Council, has a substantial economic impact locally, bringing people not only to the theater but to restaurants, hotels and more.

Prim says she and her staff had to get creative during the pandemic, which included crafting an extensive cookbook, creating virtual programming or students, renovating the Alhambra where it was livestreaming capable, and more.

To keep up-to-date on the Arts Council and what events they have coming up, follow them on Facebook or contact them at (270) 887-4295.

During the meeting, local historian William Turner was recognized for 50 years of service to the organization, receiving a round of appreciation and applause from his fellow club members. Turner has helped in countless Rotary Auctions, community outreach efforts and more during his time in the club, with more to come.