Ankle monitor requirement removed from shooting suspect awaiting new trial date

His trial has been delayed twice because the man he’s accused of shooting failed to show up to testify and now 39-year old Travis Mayes of Cadiz won’t have to wear an ankle monitor while out on bond as he awaits a third attempt at trial.

Mayes is accused of shooting Darrell Bateman at East Second and Vine in February of 2020 and Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney Stephanie Bolen opposed any change in bond conditions.

She told Judge John Atkins she believes the Commonwealth can get Bateman to court, despite concerns associated with the nature of the crime.

Judge Atkins relayed a message to Bateman for him to show up at the next hearing, or go to turn himself in at the Christian County Jail.

The next pre-trial conference is currently scheduled for November 3, but that could come sooner. Mayes continues to be monitored by Probation and Parole for a previous conviction and has to report weekly to his officer.