Kentucky Supreme Court rules against Gov on emergency powers

The Kentucky Supreme Court has handed Governor Beshear a legal defeat involving his pandemic emergency powers.

The court ruled on the Democratic governor’s challenge of Republican-backed laws that limit his authority to enact emergency orders during the COVID pandemic.

The justices unanimously said a Franklin Circuit Court judge should not have blocked the new laws from taking effect, and sent the case back to the lower court to dissolve the injunction.

Governor Beshear sued the legislature and Attorney General Daniel Cameron, arguing the laws undermined his ability to respond to the pandemic.

Senate Bill 1 limits the governor’s ability to issue orders during a state of emergency to 30 days unless extended by the General Assembly, and House Bill 1 allows businesses, schools and churches to stay open if they meet CDC guidelines.

Earlier this month, Governor Beshear issued an executive order requiring masks inside Kentucky schools.

Story from Kentucky News Network