This is the final week of Christian County Jailer Brad Boyd’s 27-year career at the jail and while he’s sure it was the right time to step down, he’s not sure what comes next for him.
In a nearly 30-minute interview that will air Sunday morning at 9 on Lite Rock 98.7, Boyd says 27 years is a long time to work in corrections and he knew it was right for him and his family to retire.
Boyd says he’s proud the jail has remained self-supporting, not needing funds from the general fund.
He intends to eventually work again in some capacity, but doesn’t know what that will be yet.
Boyd says he isn’t in love with politics, but won’t rule out running for another office in the future.
He is proud of how the jail has worked with neighboring communities and the state and federal government and also cherishes the relationships built with local law enforcement agencies.