CCPS leadership discusses proposed high school consolidation

While no final decisions have been made about the future of high schools in Christian County, leadership from the school system continues to discuss what a potential mega-school might look like.

Assistant Superintendent Josh Hunt says the local planning committee and a steering committee both voted resoundingly to consider consolidation of the two high schools as an option and architects interested in rendering what a mega-school could look like will have to have their proposals submitted to the district by Thursday morning.

Hunt says they have several potential sites for a large school to consider and the architect would be part of that process.

The Gateway Academy would also be consolidated into the proposed one-school and Superintendent Chris Bentzel says the district would use the gateway model to create several academies to meet career interests students have for after graduation.

Bentzel says the Breathitt Building on North Drive could possibly be repurposed for the transportation or maintenance departments and the current high school facilities will also not go unused if consolidation happens.

The school system plans to host public forums and find other ways to gather community input over the next few months before the board ultimately has to make a decision on how to move forward.

Bentzel says the district has a combination of cash on hand and bonding capacity to construct one large school without raising taxes.

Listen to the entire interview below: