CCPS preparing for upcoming school year

Christian County Public Schools have entered the last week of the school year, and are already looking ahead to the upcoming school year and how to best prepare for it.

In a press conference Tuesday, Superintendent Chris Bentzel says along with the Pfizer vaccine clinics that have already been announced for Monday, there will be a second round of clinics on June 19 for students to receive their second dose.

The district is still contemplating hosting additional clinics, should the need arise and Bentzel says he doesn’t expect those shots to become mandatory for students in the state.  After much discussion with parents and students, Bentzel will speak to the board on Thursday about the fact that roughly 20 high school students and 16 middle and elementary students could retake their previous school year, thanks to Senate Bill 128.

Bentzel says they are also still pushing forward with the possibility of consolidating the high schools, with public forums and meetings set to be announced, and information set to be realized over the next few months.

He says there’s a lot of misconceptions in the community about their plans, which he says are not set in stone, and he would just ask everyone to keep an open mind.

In a district COVID-19 update, Bentzel reported zero active cases amongst staff, two active in-person student cases, one in the Virtual Learning Academy and 29 close-contact quarantines.