Senator McConnell talks with business, Ag. leaders in Hopkinsville

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell spoke with business and agriculture leaders in Hopkinsville Thursday morning and discussed national and local issues with media in attendance at the Bruce Convention Center.

Senator McConnell says he heard the same concerns from local business leaders that he hears everywhere—inflation and difficulty in finding workers to hire.

Christian County is last in the state for vaccination percentage and the rate of vaccination is slowing across the country. Senator McConnell urged anyone who is eligible to get vaccinated and help put an end to the pandemic.

President Biden has vowed to bring troops home from Afghanistan by September 11—a step Leader McConnell believes is a mistake.

Senator McConnell says he’s trying to better understand the administration’s position on funding for the Land Between the Lakes and acknowledges it may be time to revisit what federal agency should oversee LBL—whether that should continue to be the U.S. Forest Service or possibly the National Parks Service or another agency.

McConnell says he and other Republicans he’s spoken with will not support President Biden’s proposed multi-trillion dollar infrastructure bill or the tax increases that would help fund it, but he and others are open to a bi-partisan compromise that focuses solely on infrastructure.