Ag. Commissioner Quarles honors Muhlenberg teen

Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles is honoring a Muhlenberg County teen for his successes in agriculture and in athletics.

Six students were named the 2021 Kentucky High School Athletic Association-Kentucky Department of Agriculture Ag Athletes of the Year recently, with Austin Randolph of Muhlenberg County High School one of two receiving a $2,000 scholarship.

The only other Western Kentucky teen honored was Fulton County resident Charles Murphy, who received a $1,000 scholarship.

The one-time scholarships, payable to an institution of higher learning, are awarded to high school seniors involved in athletics and agriculture who plan on continuing their education at a two- or four-year institution or trade school.

The scholarships are supported by the “Ag Tag” Fund, which is financed by voluntary donations from Kentucky motorists when they buy or renew their farm vehicle license plates.