Fiscal court approves body cam purchase, hears update on Gold Star Family Monument

Christian Fiscal Court approved the purchase of body cams for the Christian County Sheriff’s Office Tuesday morning and heard an update on construction of a Gold Star Family Memorial Monument on Fort Campbell.

Magistrates approved a bid of about $38,000 to purchase 34 body cameras for the Christian County Sheriff’s Department and Sheriff Tyler DeArmond says it will be enough for every deputy to have a camera.

Kelli Pendleton with the Christian County Chamber of Commerce is helping to lead the effort to construct a Gold Star Family Memorial Monument on post and says they hope to unveil it in October.

Tom Marshall is supporting the project financially and noted the sacrifice families have made over the centuries to preserve freedom.

Marshall is deferring any recognition for him for his efforts to the people of Christian County.

The words, “A tribute to the Gold Star families and relatives who sacrificed a loved one for our freedom,” will be inscribed on the monument.

In other action, fiscal court amended a 2012 ordinance and residents of the city limits of Pembroke will now find volunteer fire department dues on their property tax bills, according to Magistrate Phillip Peterson.

Hopkinsville-Christian County Public Library Executive Director DeeAnna Sova says they’re still seeing about 100 patrons in that facility each day, despite the pandemic.