Lawmakers still awaiting budget compromise

As February comes to a close and the 2021 session of the Kentucky General Assembly is more than halfway over, the session’s top priority—the one-year budget—still hasn’t emerged from a conference committee.

Representative Myron Dossett of Pembroke serves on the House Appropriations and Revenue Committee and while he doesn’t believe a budget passes either chamber in the coming week, he believes it will come well before the veto recess.

Senator Whitney Westerfield agrees, but remains frustrated it’s taking so long and says it takes oxygen away from other important measures.

House Bill 95 did make it out of the House on a unanimous vote Tuesday and it would cap the cost of insulin for diabetics at $30 for a 30-day supply. Representative Walker Thomas says it’s the right thing to do and will help a lot of Kentuckians if it becomes law.

Hear local legislators discuss these issues and others Sunday morning at 9 on Lite Rock 98.7 and online at